Jessica Jean Myers

Makeup Artist & Hairstylist

Jessica brings a wealth of experience, skill and professionalism to every job she’s on!

With over 17 years experience Toronto based makeup & hair artist Jessica Jean Myers brings a wealth of experience, skill and professionalism to every job she’s on!

Early in Jessica’s career she got the life changing opportunity to work as a makeup and hair artist in Shanghai’s up-and-coming fashion scene. This unique and creative experience helped her develop a distinctive eye in her work making her an in-demand makeup artist throughout the years in both fashion and advertising.

Jessica is also the founder and lead artist at one of Toronto’s biggest and busiest wedding makeup and hair companies Toronto Beauty Group. Over the last decade Jessica has grown the company to over 15 artists and manages over 200 weddings every year.

Whether it’s an editorial fashion set, advertising campaign, corporate headshot shoot or wedding Jessica knows how to make her clients look and feel their best!

See more of Jessica’s work here